Thursday, January 30, 2020

Barack Obama Back to School Essay Example for Free

Barack Obama Back to School Essay On September 8th 2009, the president of The United States, Barack Obama gave a speech called â€Å"Back to School†. The speech was about the responsibility that you have as a young individual responsibility you have for yourself, your teachers, parents, and your country. Obama mentions, among other things, that you have to attend school to find out what your good at, and what you want to make of your future. He says that without education your never going to get the job you want most. He says that what you make of your education is going to determine the future of the country and if you quit school and quit on yourself, your giving up on our country. Throughout the speech, Obama makes references to not only his own life experiences, but also, the American dream. He ends his speech by saying, that it is hard to be successful and that you have to fight to achieve your goal in life. You have to practice, study hard and not be afraid of asking people for help. Furthermore he ends his speech by asking his audience questions and to say that he has great expectations for this new generation. The President of the United States Barack Obama is the speaker of the text â€Å"Back to School†. His audience is not only the young people at Wakefield High School, but moreover young people attending school in all over America. P. 1 l. 1: â€Å"Hello everyone – how’s everybody doing today? † It is already indicated in the first line that he is trying to level with his audience, the young students, despite of his status. Furthermore he uses the words â€Å"I know†, and almost turns them into a phrase. With this phrase, which appears several times through the text, he indicates to the audience that he knows their feelings or thoughts. The imagery in this speech is very vivid, showing what success looks like, and what an individual could make of their life. With the use of small and simple sentences Obama tries to get the point across that school is important and one needs an education to survive in this world. The length of the speech shows how adamant he is of children staying in school, and trying to better their future. There is a lot of repetition in the speech, stating that school is important, and an education is necessary in life, and that you cant get what you want without practicing hard, studying even harder and always trying your best. There seems to be no form of alliteration in this speech. Many people use the alliteration of speech to capture the audience and individual minds. Obama references to many other famous people who have failed many times and still succeed. â€Å"J. K. Rowlings who wrote Harry Potter her first Harry Potter book was rejected 12 times before it was finally published. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. He lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his career. But he once said, ‘I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And thats why I succeed. ’†. The language of this poem shows that the speech is meant for a young audience, possibly kindergarden-12th grade. Barack talks about staying in school, a the responsibility an individual has as a student. He directly addresses the audience, by using the word â€Å"you†. He uses a very direct tone in order to capture the audience in a better way. With the use of logos, the spectators can better understand what the President is saying to them by using his own experiences, and journeys. Trying to sound like president Kennedy, Obama makes the audience feel comfortable, and makes them feel like what he is saying is true. He uses promptness and sternness to show how serious education is, not only for yourself, but your country. Toward the middle of his speech Obama says â€Å"The truth is, being successful is hard. You wont love every subject that you study. You wont click with every teacher that you have. Not every homework assignment will seem completely relevant to your life right at this minute. And you wont necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try. † This helps ones mind feel at ease with knowing he’s speaking the truth.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Shakespeares The Tempest as a Microcosm of Society Essay -- Shakespea

The Tempest as Microcosm of Society      Ã‚  Ã‚   The Tempest is one of Shakespeare's most universal plays and, not coincidentally, is very much concerned with human behavior and emotion. As John Wilders observes in The Lost Garden, â€Å"Prospero’s island is what the sociologists call a ‘model’ of human society. Its cast of characters allows Shakespeare to portray in microcosm nearly all the basic, fundamental social relationships: those of a ruler to his territory, a governor to his subjects, a father to his child, masters to servants, male to female, and the rational to the irrational within the human microcosm itself" ([London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1978], 127). Prospero himself is an observer of and experimenter with human behavior: he saw human nature at its worst when his brother usurped his dukedom and sent Prospero and Miranda off to almost certain death; he has tried to nurture Caliban’s human half and to teach the monster acceptable human conduct; he demonstrates a working knowledge of reverse psychology when he maneuvers his daughter into love with Ferdinand; and, finally, he examines his own behavior and emotions in relation to his enemies, relatives, and friends. Prospero and the play ask two questions: Is behavior such an Antonio's the basic nature of human beings; and, if so, can nurture improve upon nature? In modern terms, the play struggles with the ever-present debate over the impact of heredity and environment. His first observations--of Antonio's and Alonso’s treachery--were inadvertent and even unexpected; however, they prompted Prospero to shift the focus of his studies from â€Å"the liberal arts† to human behavior. Prospero has devoted himself to gaining knowledge and, as he admits to Miranda, neglected h... ...â€Å"the Ariel and the Caliban of which his own—and our—nature consists† (Wilders, New Prefaces to Shakespeare, 273); he has found the answer to the dilemma of nature vs. nurture in his own psyche, and with this knowledge he returns to the human society of Milan a more balanced, more complete human being than when he left it.    Works Cited and Consulted Hirst, David L. The Tempest: Text and Performance London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1984. Rowman and Littlefield: Manchester University Press, 1980. Shakespeare, William   Measure for Measure 3.1.148 The Riverside Shakespeare, ed. G. Blakemore Evans Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974. Callaghan, Dympna William Shakespeare Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986. Wilders, John The Lost Garden London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1978. Wilders, New Prefaces to Shakespeare Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Consequences of a College Student Cheating Essay

Students are driven to cheat when there are too much emphasis to ace exams from both parents and school officials. It’s difficult to dismiss entirely of why students cheat, but taking the pressure away, students are less likely to engage in such conduct. Cheating implies breaking the rules. Academic dishonesty is using reference materials during a closed-book test or getting the answers ahead of time. Cheating is a significant concern in distance education programs. Students might find someone else to log in and take the exam for them or even have a teacher or more advanced student work with them while they take the exam. No matter how carefully a program is designed to prevent it, some students will always be able to circumvent the safeguards. This might seem like an easy way for a student to get a good grade and get ahead in his or her career. However, when students cheat on exams, everyone is affected. Consequences can vary considerably if a student is caught cheating. A grade of a zero is a standard consequence. Some professors may not report the cheating which only allows the student to continue the wrongful behavior. In most cases, the student will be put on academic probation for a first offense. This will affect the students’ career development because no one can succeed in their career if they have not learned what they were supposed to during the course of their college studies. The student may be able to get a job with more responsibilities and more pay, but they may not be able to keep it, or might even harm people. Whether the student’s career is medical assistant or lawyer, the exams are supposed to show the level of knowledge required for them to perform well. Another consequence of students cheating is that current and future students who do not cheat are penalized for being honest. When students cheat they change the rules of education in favor of themselves. If the course is graded on a curve, then the students who cheat will have their grades inflated and other students will do more poorly as a direct result. Even if the course is not supposed to be graded on a curve, grades are never absolute. Teachers might look at overall test scores and decide that a certain test was too hard, and that students should be allowed to drop a test score or retake it. However, if some students do extremely well because of cheating, then teachers will not know that the test was simply too difficult. They’ll have no motivation to change the test or the way the material is presented next time. With no feedback on their teaching style, teachers will continue to present the same material and the same kinds of tests. In fact, teachers may start to conclude that the tests are too easy because more students are getting very high grades. In other words, once a few students cheat the motivations for other students to do the same increase. When students successfully cheat they change the rules of education in favor of themselves. Cheating can create a culture of dishonesty. Once students find that one person is cheating it changes the entire ethics of the institution. It is harder for students to resist temptation if others are doing it. When it is recognized by the class that cheating is the only way to pass because majority of students are cheating, then the rest will begin to cheat. If students think that ‘everyone’ else is cheating, then it starts to seem right and normal. Because most young people do it, many young people don’t even see it as being wrong. Each person who participates in an anti-social behavior brings that behavior closer to the norm. Cheating can also devalue all students’ certificates and diplomas by casting a negative light on distance education. If society at large thinks that people in distance education programs tend to cheat, then they are less likely to want to hire people who have graduated from those programs. By maintaining academic honesty, students can make sure that their diplomas continue to have value and aren’t just seen as coming from a ‘diploma mill. ’ Finally, the consequences are severe if a student is caught. A student who is caught cheating will face at the very least failure of the assignment or exam. Harsher consequences include failing the course or possibly even expulsion from the institution. Cheating may seem like a rational decision, but the long-term consequences including the loss of money, time, and reputation that go with failing a class or being expelled can be devastating. Cheating has many consequences that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Even though the short-term effect might be positive, as the student collects some high grades, the long term consequences to fellow students, the institution, society, and the student he or she are not worth it.